Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Papette, Tahiti - French Polynesia

Tahiti is an island paradise countless have written about and even more have dreamed of.  Part of the Windward Islands, Tahiti makes up more than one-quarter of the total surface of French Polynesia and two-thirds of the population.  High cliffs, cascading waterfalls, dense forests and breathtaking flora are some of the charm of Tahiti.
Tahiti is also the land of the black pearl  Everywhere are stores filled with beautiful black pearls in every hue and shape. Hanging along the streets are pareo’s galore in beautiful floral prints and displays of fresh flowers in huge bouquets that would take up half of our cabin.  It has become a very commercial port and would disappoint most who travel the distance thinking it will be as the crew of the Bounty found it more than 200 years ago.  We walked around the city center and the outskirts of town thinking we could either rent a car or find a taxi to take us around the island.  It is very expensive here and we were unable to find reasonable transportation.  What we did find was a great Pizzeria for lunch.  The owner was terrific and the lunch actually made the day.  We are all looking forward to tomorrow’s stop in Morea which is more of an example of an island in the South Pacific.

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