Sunday, December 19, 2010


A month from today we will be leaving on our voyage around the world.  The carton we are shipping ahead of time is almost complete and will be sent around the 7th of January.

The safari will be 5 nights and will take us to the northern edge of Kruger National Park.  We are staying at the Simbambili Game Lodge and, from the pictures, it looks absolutely beautiful.  Apparently we will be able to get very close to the animals and a 70-210 mm lens on the digital/SLR would be sufficient.  I will be also be taking my Nikon 5100 to take videos   I don't have a video cam and don't think it's necessary to buy one for the 6 days.  Friends Gail & Dennis, who live in Durban, may possibly meet  us and might also come along.  Everyone tells us that this will be the highlight of our trip and we are so looking forward to this wonderful experience.

After the 1st we will really need to start doing some serious packing.  Of course, I have already packed on paper but must try on everything before deciding it's a "must have."  Also, I will probably have to cut out 1/3 of the clothes I listed.  Tough job!

Picture: Post located next to lighthouse pictured below at Cape of Good Hope.